​​Church of Our Mother of Perpetual Help,

Ipoh, Malaysia

Copyright © Our Mother of Perpetual Help Church, Ipoh, Malaysia. All rights reserved.

​​Spiritual Reflections Archive: 2017 & 2018

MonthDateReflection Title
January (2017)22ndDarkness Dispelled
March5thSeason Of Lent
April16thLove Overcame

23rdUnless I see - I will not believe

30thOn the Road – Lost & Found
May7thA Different Perspective

14thThe Way, the Truth and the Life

21st Pleading the case

28thWaiting for the Spirit
June4thThe Soul of Christianity

11thGod so loves the world

18thPrayer for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

25thPrayer for the Family
July2ndThe Costly Business of Being a Disciple

9thMy Yolk is easy

16thSeeds and Good Ground

23rdLike Nothing We Would Expect
August6thTransformed and Transfigured

13thAll in the same boat

20thIt's all about relationship

27th Who do you say I am?
September3rdUnderstanding the bigger picture

10thTwo or Three

17thThe Challenge of Forgiveness

December31stTo: God.com
January (2018)14thCome and see for ourselves

21stThe Grace of Discipleship

28thTeaching with Authority
February4thLonging for Shade

25th Change & Conflict
April8thStone Removed

15thFollower ... Disciple ... Witness

27thTrue Vine and True Branches
May6thRemain in my Love

13thA Four-fold Prayer 


27thCreator, Savior & Sanctifier

10thWhere are we?

17thHow is it with the Kingdom of God?
July15thBeing Sent

22ndWithout a Shepherd

29thPracticing Eternity
August5thSign & Substance

12thGet Up and Eat

19thBeyond the miraculous

26thMoment of Decision
September2ndFrom the Heart

9thSpeaking Plainly

16thComing To Sight

23rd Like Little Children

30thThe Inner Circle
October7thFidelity in a broken world

14thAgenda vs Commitment

21stWhat's In It For Me?

28thI want to see
November4thWe are a broken people

11thBeing Noticed

18thLook to the Signs

25thServant King
December*2ndPaying attention… to God and each other

9thPrepare The Way ... Maranatha!

16thWhat Are We To Do?

23rdBeing Bearers of the Christ

30thYear of Mission
* (Monthly Collation available)

Spiritual Reflections Archive 2015 - 2016)

MonthDateReflection Title

January4th We Have Seen His Star

11th Beloved of God

18th Calling by Name to Serve
March8th Fasting with your tongue


True Vine and True Branches

Remain in my love

The Language of the Spirit

Creator, Savior, Sanctifier
Being Remembered - and Remembering

The Smallest Seeds

Moving from Fear to Faith

Tale of two women
July5th Not Without Honour

19th NA

26th NA
August2ndSign and Substance

9th I am the Bread of Life

16th Eucharist for All

23rd Moment of Decision

30thFrom the Heart

13th Coming to Sight

20th Like Little Children

27th NA
October4th Fidelity in a Broken World

11th An Open-Agenda

18th The Best Seating Arrangements

25thWhat is the Year of Mercy? (1st)
November1st Holy Year of Mercy (2nd)

8thHoly Year of Mercy (3rd)

15th Holy Year of Mercy (4th)

22nd Holy Year of Mercy (5th): "Places to find God"

29thHoly Year of Mercy (6th): "Corporal Works of Mercy"
Holy Year of Mercy (7th): "Prayer of the Holy Year"

13th Icon of Love, 150 Years: A Mission of the Redemptorists

20th 150 Years with the Redemptorist - Icon of the Mother of Perpetual Help (1866 – 2016): 1

27th150 Years with the Redemptorist - Icon of the Mother of Perpetual Help (1866 – 2016): 2

March27thShattering Tombs
April (EB)3rdShock And Awe

10thTending Sheep
June 26thHands to the Plow
July3rdTravelling Light

August28thMoving Up and Out...
September25thThe Cry of the Poor
October2ndA little can go a long way

9thThe Other Nine

16thUnjust Judges

23rdAttentive Prayer

Spiritual Reflections Archive

​(2015 - 2018)

"But when you pray, go to your private room, shut yourself in, and so pray to your Father who is in that secret place, and your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you."

Matthew 6:6 (from Gospel reading, Wednesday 17 June, 11th Week Ordinary Time, YrB)