"And after this perishable nature has put on imperishability and this mortal nature has put on immortality, then will the words of scripture come true: Death is swallowed up in victory. Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting?
Thank God, then, for giving us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of these faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Address: Church: 1 Jalan Serindik; Redemptorists Community: 19-21 Jalan la Salle; 31400 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia; Tel: (60) 05 5458220; Email: omphip@gmail.com; FaceBook: https://m.facebook.com/OMPHipoh/
Love Lives On
Those we love are never really lost to us - we feel them in so many special ways-
through friends they always cared about and dreams they left behind, in beauty that they added to our days... in words of wisdom we still carry with us and memories that never will be gone... Those we love are never really lost to us - For everywhere their special love lives on.
A. Bradley
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+ Clara Chong Kah Lat – 19/5/2021
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+ Anthony Kuan Lek - 24/7/2021
+ Jason Michael Leong Swee Kee - 30/7/2021
+ Anne Dawson - 30/7/2021
+ Annie Yeoh Cheng Lian - 5/8/2021
+ Fred Chuah Mooi Cheng - 18/8/2021
+ Ong Geen Choo @ Shirley Leong - 20/8/2021
+ Juliana Tan Sock Teck - 5/9/2021
+ Alexis Paul Raj a/l Samikannu - 22/9/2021
+ Theresa Florence de Souza-Van Dort - 3/10/2021
+ Loorthu Mary a/p Muthu - 21/10/2021
+ Cecilia Leong Fong Ling - 23/10/2021
+ Pravin Francis - 7/11/2021
+ Rose Ong Sian Thoe - 20/11/2021
+ Rose Tan Mei Lin @ Rosy Tan - 20/11/2021
+ David Kok Yin Yuen - 22/11/2021
+ Agnes Rozells - 3/12/2021
+ Anna Marie Therasa a/p John - 4/12/2021
+ Henry Cheah Weng Hay - 6/12/2021
+ Michael Peter Loo Yoong Khoon - 11/12/2021
+ Raymond Tan Kong Wah - 17/12/2021
+Paul Joseph Roy a/l Vedamuthu - 21/12/2021
+Pedro Jose Dourado - 22/12/2021